The Forest
of Blockchain

The Forest
of Blockchain

The Forest
of Blockchain

an ERC-4337 story

an ERC-4337 story

an ERC-4337 story

In the dense blockchain forest, trees aspire to bloom

In the dense blockchain forest, trees aspire to bloom

But in the old days, the sunlight was hard to reach

But in the old days, the sunlight was hard to reach

In the old days, trees had to find their own water

In the old days, trees had to find their own water

In the old days, trees had to find their own water

Many trees could not reach sunlight or water

Many trees could not reach sunlight or water

leading to stunted growth and a dull forest

leading to stunted growth and a dull forest

leading to stunted growth and a dull forest

One day, strong winds changed the forest

One day, strong winds changed the forest

making sunlight easy to reach for any tree

making sunlight easy to reach for any tree

making sunlight easy to reach for any tree

Badgers started to move into the forest

Badgers started to move into the forest

digging tunnels and channels with their sturdy claws

digging tunnels and channels with their sturdy claws

digging tunnels and channels with their sturdy claws

The busy badger activity brought water and nutrients to the thirsty trees

The busy badger activity brought water and nutrients to the thirsty trees

The trees begin to bloom

The trees begin to bloom

their flowers unfolding in a dazzling array of shapes and colors

their flowers unfolding in a dazzling array of shapes and colors

their flowers unfolding in a dazzling array of shapes and colors

But badgers need energy to keep their paws digging and the water flowing

But badgers need energy to keep their paws digging and the water flowing

They begin to tire

They begin to tire

They begin to tire

Water begins to recede and nutrients are becoming scarce once again

Water begins to recede and nutrients are becoming scarce once again

But the trees have already had a chance to bloom

But the trees have already had a chance to bloom

bringing many forms of life to the forest

bringing many forms of life to the forest

bringing many forms of life to the forest

Bees have been busy in the forest

Bees have been busy in the forest

collecting enough nectar to overflow their hives with honey

collecting enough nectar to overflow their hives with honey

collecting enough nectar to overflow their hives with honey

Badgers love honey

Badgers love honey

They feast on the honey

They feast on the honey

They feast on the honey

At last, the badgers regain their strength, and continue burrowing

At last, the badgers regain their strength, and continue burrowing

The circle of life is now complete for our blockchain forest ecosystem

The circle of life is now complete for our blockchain forest ecosystem

Trees need sunlight as energy for their activities

Trees need sunlight as energy for their activities

Trees have nectar for the bees

Trees have nectar for the bees

Bees provide honey for the badgers

Bees provide honey for the badgers

Badgers bring water to trees

Badgers bring water to trees

In the ERC-4337 economy, the circle is similar

In the ERC-4337 economy, the circle is similar

In the ERC-4337 economy, the circle is similar

Users need compute and storage resources

Users need compute and storage resources

Bundlers execute transactions for users

Bundlers execute transactions for users

Sponsors reimburse bundlers

Sponsors reimburse bundlers

Users purchase from sponsors

Users purchase from sponsors

Users are now free to use the blockchain for a variety of crypto activities, without direct costs

Users are now free to use the blockchain for a variety of crypto activities, without direct costs

Currently there are limited options for sponsors to participate

Currently there are limited options for sponsors to participate

Currently there are limited options for sponsors to participate

More focus has been on bundlers

More focus has been on bundlers

More focus has been on bundlers

The burden is put on users or protocols to convert user “nectar” into “honey” and repay bundlers

The burden is put on users or protocols to convert user “nectar” into “honey” and repay bundlers

The burden is put on users or protocols to convert user “nectar” into “honey” and repay bundlers

We need more options bridging the sponsor gap & providing diverse sources of “honey” for bundlers

We need more options bridging the sponsor gap & providing diverse sources of “honey” for bundlers

We need more options bridging the sponsor gap & providing diverse sources of “honey” for bundlers

When this economic circle if complete, the once stunted and dull blockchain forest will flourish...

When this economic circle if complete, the once stunted and dull blockchain forest will flourish...

When this economic circle is complete, the once stunted and dull blockchain forest will flourish... every industry, not just finance every industry, not just finance every industry, not just finance

The future of the blockchain forest is bright due to the ERC-4337 standard

The future of the blockchain forest is bright due to the ERC-4337 standard

The future of the blockchain forest is bright due to the ERC-4337 standard

© 2023 chainbased

© 2023 chainbased

© 2023 chainbased